Policy Area: Finance
Accounts for payment
Aims & Objectives:
To provide direction for society officers to undertake payment of society account and payroll.
To provide
for appropriate and accountable payment processes.
All invoices,
purchase orders, goods received notes/notification packing notes and cart notes (if applicable), are to be forwarded to society
administration without delay.
and supporting documentation are to be referred to the relevant manager for allocation of account number and authorization
of invoices for payment. Invoices are not to be processed unless a purchase order is attached and the receipt
of the goods has been validated.
will be processed for payment on a fortnightly basis by the Finance officer and verified by the Director.
(a) An invoice has been presented which describes the goods or services supplied.
(b) The invoice
has been authorized for payment by a reasonable officer.
(c) The prices charged
are fair and reasonable.
(d) The calculations, additions
and extensions are correct.
(e) The invoice
has not previously been paid.
(a) Date
(b) Name of the payee
(c) Signature of the relevant
officer authorizing the payment
(a) Payee
(b) Cheque number or EFT reference number
(c) Amount
(d) Brief description or payment
EFT Payments: